Technology goes hand in hand with advances in pool enclosure technology. It is no longer necessary to specify the reasons why equipping your pool is necessary to ensure simplified maintenance, reduced water temperature, the possibility of enjoying it out of season and in bad weather, savings in money and time, etc. It goes without saying that you should opt for the protection of your pool, whatever its size, shape, private or collective use. The question that will be crucial, however, is: what type of shelter to choose and why? The choice is so wide that a preliminary study is necessary. The best way is to seek the advice of a professional who will travel to carry out a feasibility study and provide you with an estimate based on your expectations, your budget, the land and all the parameters to be taken into consideration before proceeding with the construction of the shelter of your dreams.
Why shelter your pool?
Value for money, economy and safety
Some are still a little reluctant to buy a pool enclosure. Not because they doubt the value of owning one, but rather because they want to save money. They don’t think in the long term. Of course, fitting out this type of equipment is not free of charge and good quality products are obviously more expensive than low cost shelters. However, turning to this solution would be an obvious waste of money here. Indeed, the obsolescence of these low-end products is planned at the time of purchase. This type of product will deteriorate in less than a year. The cause: uncontrolled manufacturing, the use of non-quality materials and an imprecise finish. Unprepared to withstand repeated bad weather, humidity, heat, heavy loads, wear and tear, they will deteriorate in less time than it takes to say. You will thus be forced to buy a new one, this time of better quality, which could have been avoided upstream by opting directly for a product with an optimal price/quality ratio, installed by a professional. Here again, your safety is at stake because low-level pool shelters are most often sold without being labelled, i.e. without having passed the preliminary tests and without meeting the standards in force.
Choosing a good quality pool enclosure is therefore the right choice, the one that will save you money and time in the long term. Isn’t it a real chore to comb the entire surface with a dip net before thinking about a swim? And all these maintenance products, these daily care products to bring to your pool where the simple daily covering allows you to protect and keep your pool clean with a click on a remote control?
As far as safety is concerned, the question of installing a pool enclosure no longer arises when you have young children. Drownings that are still too frequent are reported every year. They always intervene during the unfortunate minutes of inattention that are sufficient for an accident. Young children do not measure danger and lose control in an unsafe pool. With shelter, this does not happen. Whether low or high up, the shelter provides impossible access for any child under 5 years of age. It is also recommended to lock entrances, handles, etc.

How to choose your pool enclosure
There are so many pool shelters available on the market that you will undoubtedly find the one that is right for you, especially as custom-made is a matter of course. In order to clarify your selection you need to ask yourself a few simple questions:
- Will my shelter only serve as protection or will it create a separate room?
- Will my shelter follow the limits of the pool or will it provide space for a beach?
- Will my shelter be transparent or opaque; with round or straight corners, with a domed or flat roof?
- Should my shelter be able to open in good weather?
- Will my shelter be accessible through a door, a bay, a hatch?
- Will the pool be used in winter? Should we heat the space?
- Does my garden have enough space in the case of a sliding shelter?
In order to answer these questions, we will then review the difference between a sliding shelter and a telescopic shelter. To follow up on these questions, you must visualize the desired end result. Your shelter must not obstruct your field of vision; it must be bright in order to let the light pass through it. Take into account the available space on your property; the choice of materials must be in harmony with the environment. Should your shelter soundproof the outside or inside noise from people outside?
Sliding pool enclosure
Most often at ground level, this type of shelter only protects your pool like a cover that is opened and closed. Placed on rails or rollers, it slides as its name suggests. Some models make it possible to make a living room, with sufficient height under the ceiling, but it is more suitable for small pools because for non-standard pools, sliding such equipment recommends having an equally large space on one side of the pool and whose surface must be perfectly flat. This involves much more complex logistics and work. On the other hand, it is very practical for smaller basins.
In concrete terms, the sliding shelter equipped with castors or rails slides totally or partially from left to right, depending on the weather and your desires. It rests on the edge or terrace/beach of your pool. It is available in three types:
The flat sliding pool enclosure
Consisting of detachable, stackable and therefore removable modules, the sliding flat pool enclosure is a technically simple and discreet model.
The semi-sliding pool enclosure
This type of shelter allows you to discover only half of your pool. Composed of two modules, one fixed, the other sliding under the first. The discovery of your pond will be partial. So think carefully about your expectations before choosing this product.
The sliding low pool enclosure
This model of pool enclosure follows the principle of the two previous models in that it slides and is presented in the form of modules. Here, on the other hand, none of them is fixed, only one that favours a total withdrawal of the vaults in the storage area, the size of which must correspond to at least half the surface area of your basin.
Telescopic pool enclosure
The telescopic pool enclosure is also of the sliding type but its mechanism is more elaborate in that it retracts completely into a smaller storage area without having to separate the modules from each other. When unfolded, the appearance of the shelter gives the appearance of a progressive gradient, in steps. Ideal on sunny days to fully enjoy the pool without suffering from a feeling of confinement and choking. Indeed, shelters retain heat and a natural greenhouse effect occurs. Being able to lift or slide the modules on these hot days is absolutely essential.
The number of built-in modules depends on the size of the pool. The larger the size, the more sliding modules there will be. Telescopic pool shelters are either manually operated or motorized. The latter option is recommended for high shelters, which will also be more complex to handle. Some models even benefit from solar energy! In any case, remote-controllable systems offer obvious comfort: at the touch of a button, your pool switches from covered to open and back again in record time and without any effort. Because the swimming pool must be associated with the notion of pleasure and not of chore.
The telescopic shelter is available in low, flat, semi-high and high models depending on the use you wish to make of it. The shapes vary from straight to vaulted and mixed (straight sides and vaulted top). The advantages of the telescopic pool enclosure are many:
- Small footprint since once folded, the storage area it represents is minimal;
- Total or partial uncovering of the water body;
- Motorizable for even more comfort
- Safe ;
- Allowing year-round baths if it is high, etc.
It is important to note that in some cases, a building permit will be required for high. Indeed, if the planned height of the shelter exceeds 1.80m, the building permit is required. In any case, it is strongly recommended that you use the expertise of a professional such as AZENCO and call on their know-how and experience to install this device. This guarantees you a tailor-made work, adapted to your land and pool, in respect of your environment and the style of your house (the choice of materials and colours is important), in complete safety.